Welcome to Mission Fulfillment

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Welcome to Mission Fulfillment.  My name is Jamie Sierra.

The purpose of this blog is to make a difference in your life through my journey and everything that I have learned.  To me, the purpose of life is simple.  It is to be happy and to give to one another.  I believe the greatest gift we have is each other.

I know that being happy, successful,  as well as living an extraordinary life is different for everyone.  I also believe that being fulfilled is to constantly make progress (not be perfect) in all areas in our lives, whether it be business-career, relationships, health, finances, spirituality-contribution, and emotions.

Being fulfilled is something we can feel at anytime, including right now.  Yet happiness, fulfillment, success, and joy is an ongoing journey and mission.

I am here to share my great experiences as well as my learning experiences which of course includes my successes and failures.  I will honestly, openly, and transparently share my journey and look forward to having you sharing your journey with me.  I have for the last six years of my life immersed myself in personal development going through books, seminars, and multimedia programs as well as receiving coaching certifications.   Gaining knowledge is great.  Yet if it is not applied and shared, then it is useless.  I am here to apply, give, and share everything that I have learned to not only pass onto others, but to also be an example of excellence.

I thank you for visiting my page and I completely respect and admire you for wanting to take your life to the next level.

With Love and Passion,



One thought on “Welcome to Mission Fulfillment

  1. I love this blog so much. Wonderful videos meant to encourage and inspire. I’ve already got my happy face on today, Jamie. Thanks for the uplifting words of wisdom.

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