Why We Are Not Happy!

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There are three main reasons why we are not happy in our life.  They are:

  1. We have rules that make it extremely difficult and nearly impossible to be happy.
  2. We are not growing and improving ourselves.
  3. We are not giving and loving others on a consistent basis.

It is that simple.  The fact that we have these three rituals in our life is why we cannot have joy on a consistent basis.  We are always concerned about our happiness, but we still are not.

By having rules that make it challenging, we say to ourselves, “I will be happy if …………………” ,  or “When…………………happens, I will be happy”.  Why not just be happy now?  It is all in our rules.  How many times have we said, I will be happy when I graduate college?  Have we ever said, I will be happy when I have that great relationship, job, house, car, etc.?   All of us are guilty of it.   What happens?   We find ourselves not happy.  We look for something else to be happy.   Happiness comes within.  I know that you know that.  Yet, we are still not doing it.  If you not applying what you know, then you really don’t know it.

The other reason we are not happy is because we get comfortable and complacent in our lives, and there is nothing more dangerous than that.  By getting comfortable, we think we are happy.  However, nothing could be further from the truth.  Remember that time when you really struggled at something, but made incremental improvements?  How did that feel in the moment?  By stepping up and getting just 1% better each day will make a year from now extraordinary beyond belief.

Lastly, we all get caught up on focusing on ourselves.  I am very guilty of it.  Yet, we have to give back.  We need to give back to our family, friends, and loved ones.  We also need to give back to those we never met or never will meet.  It is crucial to feel that something to always want to give and add values to others.  This is where joy and abundance comes from.