Getting Perspective On Life – Contribution!

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This past week, I had the honor and privilege to volunteer at a homeless shelter in Boston.  The homeless shelter is the St. Francis House.  I worked the lunch shift, where I would collect trays and wash dishes for approximately 90 minutes.

It was a very humbling experience working in the dish room and being around in that environment.  I was serving many people who would only have that one meal a day.  I am serving those that do not have as good as a life as I do.  Realizing that, opened my eyes in a very profound way.

In our day to day life and activities, we sometimes forget how great our lives are and how some are just struggling to get through the day.  Sometimes, I complain about getting up in the morning and dealing with my problems the day has to offer.  Yet, the truth is that these problems are an absolute privilege to have as well as being a gift.

I saw how many of these people who were depending on the shelter for lunch struggling.  I see it in their eyes.  I see it in their physiologies.   Honestly, I was holding back my tears.  I was doing what I could not show out loud, but I was crying inside.  I was asking myself how did I become incredibly blessed.

What is the difference between myself and one who is struggling?  Are they having their winter now?  How do we support those that are struggling in their life?  These are answers I will continue to seek for the next many of days.  I just know that somehow and some way I need to find a solution.  There are many great causes out there and I want to find solutions to all of them.

Seeing other souls suffer and struggle like I saw yesterday was not easy.  I know if I continue to see and demand answers, we can all find a way to reduce and eliminate suffering.

Today, I will start by committing to my growth and to give more.  The mission for me is the be the best version of myself, so I can become more to myself and others.  The secret to living is giving.